Tame, Tepid, Teen-Age Angst with TV Roots and It Shows
1 April 2015
All but Forgotten, the Juvenile Delinquent(JD)"Problem" of the 1950's that included "Rebellious" Teenagers "Ripping It Up", Riding New Found Freedom and Pocket Money from Post War Booty to the Beat of "Rock n' Roll" and Other Things Their Parents found Alien.

This Tepid, Talky Debut from the Great "Social Commentary" Director John Frankenheimer, is a Well Acted Display of Dramatic Intensity, but Not Much else.

It is Beefed Up TV that is Stagy and don't Look for Any Cinematic Flourishes because there aren't any. It is as Straight Forward as it gets relying on Words and Close-Up Expressions Combined with mild Generational Misunderstandings and Communication Breakdowns.

This is a Not Bad, Competent, Professional looking Movie but Static, and even in 1957 it is a Wonder why anyone would Venture Off the Couch and go to the Theater to see this when the some of the Better Television Anthologies were doing Virtually the Same Thing Night After Night, Week After Week.

In Fact, that's where this came from. The Story with some of the Same Actors, and the Same Director, came from TV, and They Turned this into John Frankenheimer's Film Debut, but Nothing much was Added or Enhanced.

Overall, Worth a Watch for the Director's Completest Fans. But it isn't anything Special and Except for the Social Commentary (Teenage Angst) that was New in the Fifties, there isn't Much here to Recommend.
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