Word Weary and Weighted…Loretta Young Lost in the Verbiage
2 April 2015
Yes, Loretta Young was Beautiful (Clark Gable obviously thought so), and She Had a Screen Presence and Acting Abilities. But Her Turn Here is Overshadowed by a Heavily Worded and Drawn Out Script that Makes its 87 Minute Running Time Feel Twice that Long.

The Scene where the Hypothetical Crime is Laid Out Between Franchois Tone and Roland Young is Laborious and Irritating. Henry Daniel Makes for a Slimy Villain, but Miss Young's Beauty and Ability are All but Lost Behind this Melodramatic Courtroom Caper that by the End there are So Many Loose Ends and Misdirections Tied Up that it is Breathtaking.

Overall, Worth a Watch for Loretta Young Fans, but Don't Expect Anything Noteworthy, and for those Liking Stage Play Personas and Wordy, but Hardly Witty Dialog Displays. It's Tense in Spots but Tenaciously Chatty.
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