Terrible lead performance, otherwise mediocre
3 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Mein verrücktes Jahr in Bangkok" is a family comedy movie from 2011 set in the capital of Thailand. Christine Neubauer is one of the worst lead actresses currently working in Germany, so I was really afraid this could be another disaster. Well it wasn't. But it wasn't good either. The film runs for 90 minutes, like all television films pretty much. Neubauer (no idea why she is still famous, always plays the same over-the-top characters with zero subtlety) is unbearable and free of talent as usual, but the supporting cast, director and screenwriter save it from being a complete failure. There is lots of trouble in this movie. it starts right away with the baggage not arriving with the family in Bangkok. A big part of the cast are also not German actors, but locals from Thailand. Thank God this is not a cheesy romance movie as usual with Neubauer in the lead role, but more of a comedy with some relationship drama. It's not really funny for the most part though. I liked some of the dialog conversations struggles between Germans and Thai people, but this also got a bit repetitive near the end.

Sigi Rothemund, the director has made many low quality dramas, cheesy romance movies and Donna Leon movies and this one here cannot really improve his body of work either. I also really dislike the title here as it says "my crazy year in Bangkok" and not "our", which also emphasizes again how Neubauer is the center of the film although it is really about her entire family. On the plus side, some nice music and songs are included. The ending, however, was pretty bad. All the drama in their relationship was never convincing and the story with the guy who went fully naked for Neubauer's character was downright embarrassing. not recommended.
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