Review of Little Blue Box

Phony baloney paste-up job wastes top XXX players
14 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm compelled to submit this review as prior IMDb-er missed the point entirely. Far from a Golden Age classic, LITTLE BLUE BOX is one of many cut-rate loop carriers from that era, recycling old stag footage.

In this case the hoary gimmick of a sort of Cable TV box that brings porn into the home (sort of a magical '70s precursor of streaming video) allows much of the film to have the viewer as a carbon copy voyeur: we watch John Leslie watch old European porn loops (likely French or German) on his TV. How exciting.

Gimmick of Jennifer Welles in a dual role (2 wigs) sounds good on paper but she has nothing interesting to do in either guise. And making matters worse the sex scenes have unsynced dialog dubbed over along with fake moaning & groaning.

After many sex scenes and slapstick the whole thing turns out to be a bad dream - utilizing the wake-up gimmick that has killed many a movie. Perhaps to cover their tracks the filmmakers have invited several guest stars, like Ming Toy, Sharon Mitchell and Gloria Leonard to participate in an orgy with Leslie and Welles.
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