Danny Collins (2015)
Intellectually and Emotionally Stimulating Film
15 April 2015
Because this film is intellectually and emotionally stimulating in a subtle way, I had to drive 65 miles, from Lafayette to Baton Rouge, where it was in was in one compartment of a multiplex. That the compartment was Number Nine was a nice touch. But New Orleans had it in three theaters. My review: I enjoyed it. Been a fan of Pacino since Dog Day Afternoon, Plummer since Sound of Music, Lennon since fall, 1963. And I've never seen a movie with Annette Bening that I didn't' like. The script was good; I didn't see anything not to like. So why didn't the movie come to me rather than vice versa? Apparently, the theater owners where I live won't bet on a movie without car chases, guns, shooting, war, all sorts of violence, or juvenile, senseless humor, or mainstream sports. Perhaps a little thriller/horror/sci-fi/blockbuster (Titanic, JFK) might seep through. The sad thing is they may be right. A movie devoid of the aforementioned criteria might lose money here.
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