11 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was in Britain but when I heard Funamation was releasing this in subtitles before Japan I just couldn't miss it I booked my flight and got a ticket to the movie.i have no doubt that all the Dragonball z fans will love this movie with amazing animation and story and when the Dub comes out I am 100% sure that it will be much better.i love how Goku gets a new blue form and how we find out much more about Whis and that he can time travel at the end of the movie I was expecting Vegeta to be the hero but surprise surprise IT was Goku AGAIN.i love how all the characters got there spot light and they where all outing up a good fight that was until Freiza came. I was disappointed that Gohan went Super Saiyan but he really did need the power.overall this movie is an amazing piece of work and I would recommend everyone to watch it
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