Strings...Strings...Strings..."There are no strings on me"...
29 April 2015
Summer is upon us and you know what that means..Holy Grail Avengers...the most anticipated movie of the year has arrived and I am drinkin'it..this movie is awesome, it's a rock concert comic book slam back through from start to finish.Fun is the keyword here because this movie has not left any comic book pages left and come up in the big screen..right from the opening action sequence through everything.

It has dark moments like they showed in the trailers, it gets even darker then the first avengers but it kept that same sense of humour..the jokes work so well that you go from jokes to action back to jokes, it's like the new character "Quicksilver"..as fast he is zipping around that's what this movie does a good joke then a great action sequence.

The relation between the avengers is taken to a next level, their chemistry is great and there is so much character development especially of "Hawkeye" and "Black Widow". Captain America was as cool as he has been..new comers Quicksiler and Scarlet Witch were pretty good too.

The avengers face the new baddie - "Ultron" voiced by James Sapder.. who is hands down one of the most awesome villain ever..."Period". He is menacing, dangerous,Master of manipulator, charming and funny but in a very sadistic way, he just deliver's monologues after monologues and that makes him more and more convincingly evil. I Loved Ultron as the villain.

Then you get to see "The Vision" who is Jarvis who really added a lot to this film..He gets one of the infinity stones(Mind Stone)..and gets the ultimate power. His character shows so much equality of the human existence and choosing sides.

There were bits in the film that bummed me out where i was like why that scene has to be in the film.

And the End Credit scene is amazing..where "Thanos" comes in and says I'll do it myself..and grabs the Infinity Gauntlet glove..woah..now we will see him in Avengers:Infinity War part 1 in (2018) & part 2 in (2019). Joss Whedon does a great job in making this movie.

Finally Avengers:Age Of Ultron is........ - "AWESOMETACULAR"..!!
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