30 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is an activist film designed to promote a "culture of rape" that is created by activists, for activists.

This movie pretends to be journalism, but it hides behind fantasy to avoid legal scrutiny. This movie is a sales attempt to sell an idea, "rape culture" most likely to further profit women's activist groups with more government funding.

This movie is socially destructive by claiming rape is thought of as acceptable, and the rape culture it has created is a "witch hunt culture" where a mere fantasy of a false rape claim (i.e. UVA/Rollingstone False Rape claim) cause protest and hate against innocent men and i.e. UVA false rape, mattress girl).

Movies like these have made feminists groups the most power political group in the USA. At the mere mention of rape, with evidence proving the rape claim was a lie, feminist groups were able to get the administration of UVA to reprimand an entire group of men and boys solely based on their gender.

Movies like this are not only wrong, it's socially detective and socially irresponsible.
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