Generic Sci-Fi with no Relation to the Franchise.
1 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
*Minor Plot Spoilers* I'm not the biggest Halo fan, I'm not going to lie. I've played all of them, but I'm not going to complain about how many shots it takes a magnum to break an Elite's shields, but I know enough about movies to say how lazy this is. The plot of this series is boring. It takes place mostly on the broken Halo ring from Halo 1 where a group of ONI soldiers have to plant a bomb to destroy some anti-human element found there. Most of the plot is just this group of humans wandering around a wasteland and arguing about sides Survivor style. I was hoping maybe to see a return of the Flood on the ring, but instead we get... hunter worms? Thats right. Hunter worms not in their armor. They act as the generic sci-fi sound hearing monster and brought nothing interesting to the table. That was a curious choice to make, seeing as the flood could have done basically the same thing and make a bit more sense... speaking of curious choices, one of the first scenes of the movie they introduce a new alien species out of the blue that I've never heard of., so I looked them up and they were just made up specifically for that one scene. So under utilized that they don't even have a wikipedia page. Anyway, the marines go around the planet, draw lines, betray each other,and eventually get off the planet with their mission done. The characters themselves are as dull as they get and they all lack character. Locke? Well he's a marine commander... that's all. Master Chief had more emotion and he's equatable to a pet rock as far as emotions go. People complained about the CGI in this show, but I thought it was pretty decent for a TV show... then I saw its MASSIVE budget and realized how bad it was for the money. Yeah the CGI was good, but at times it just looked fake. I'm pretty sure the graphics of Halo 4 outmatched this by far, but still, the only star I'm giving this show is for the CGI. So, in the end this show is as boring and generic as it gets. Every plot point is predictable and can easily be seen a mile away.It was bad. It was boring. It was not worth your time. But my biggest question is simply, why is this a Halo series? Watch this... A group of Alliance marines fights an evil alien, the Slurgs, and finds out that there's an anti-human element on a planet orbiting around a super nova. There they find an evil alien worms called Hunter Worms. It's up to them to destroy the element and avoid the worms. Boom, I just made this movie entirely non- Halo. The only real reason this movie was Halo was to draw in the massive Halo fanbase, but it used so little of Halo's lore that it didn't seem worth it. The good news is that it didn't seem like it was a cheap cash-in, but it just didn't need to be a Halo series at all. I would feel a lot more comfortable reviewing some B-Movie generic sci-fi, but now I have to review a Halo generic B- movie Sci-fi. If Locke is the main character in Halo Guardians, I think I'll skip that one.
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