Review of THX 1138

THX 1138 (1971)
Great fodder for film school
11 May 2015
The first time I saw "THX 1138" was back in the '90s (hey, points for being an inquisitive teenager), and I distinctly remember a rap video that "borrowed" the staff-wielding motorcycle cops from the movie. That was one memory about this movie that stuck in my head for almost twenty years. The other is the distinct coldness I felt after watching it. And as an adult, I feel the same way. Cold. I dunno what it says about my I.Q. that I vastly prefer "Star Wars" to this, but . . . eh, what're ya gonna do? That said, this is still worthy of anyone's attention for its technical merits; its inventive use of sound and Lucas' austere visuals. But for me, it's a curious experiment at best. It's a well-realized world, but such clinical environs aren't ones I want to hang around in.

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