Review of Neighbors

Neighbors (I) (2014)
Very funny and ridiculous
15 May 2015
In Neighbors we get another silly and extreme comedy from Seth Rogen and company. The movie weighs itself in the basis of Family vs Frat, as Rogen's character Mac Redner, married to Byrne's Kelly Redner and with a baby to raise, go head-to-head with a fraternity that moves next to them in the neighborhood. This frat is spear headed by president Teddy (Efron) and VP Pete (Franco). The comedy's objective was to fully gross you out and get those awkward laughs from the audience. Whether this is to your liking, or not, will determine your enjoyment of it. I personally love these types of movies and their sheer ridiculousness. As for this one, great comedic performances always help, and all members of the cast do what they do best to entertain and make us laugh. So if you're up for a brainless, no regrets comedy, this is thoroughly recommended.

Rating: 8/10
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