Once is enough
26 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say I enjoyed watching these 4 minutes. the music is nice and it's fairly entertaining to watch how the animation goes in hand with the sound. I like the color blue, so the background was fine too, probably better than most of the other elements. But it's really nothing I would want to watch again. This short film is by German Oskar Fischinger (in his early 30s here) and it is over 80 years old. Actually, it was made when the Nazis were already in power in Germany. But I see he was less prolific between 1933 and 1945 than the years before, so maybe he wasn't too d'accord with their reign. Anyway, back to Fischinger's work, it sometimes reminds me a bit of Stan Brakhage. Check out Fischinger's maybe most known work here and if you like it more than I do, check out some more from his body of work. It's almost exclusively short films.
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