Slow West (2015)
Lack of character backstories and lack of decent villains leads to a lackluster film
31 May 2015
Slow West--Riding without a Cause

Slow West is a new film featuring Michael Fassbender. And yes, you smart readers, it's a Western. It hits all the benchmarks of a Western horse movie: a stranger new to the West, an outlaw of questionable character, a bounty hunters, really bad outlaws, an outpost, and a few Native Americans and others. However, they have little to do with the action.

One character is looking for his true love. We forgive him, for he is young. The other character, a wishy washy anti-hero bounty hunter, is 'helping' this young man. It's interesting, and the visual are out of Wyeth painting, but it's hard to care much.

We don't know why characters turn, we don't understand why the family has a bounty on their head, we don't get enough back story. While I know we are sophisticated movie goers in the 21st Century, we still like to see the motives for our characters, what drives them, what leads them to act as they do. There isn't enough exposition. There was certainly time in this lovely 90 minute film to let us in on the secrets of the characters.

Top stars: the music and the cinematography. It looks and sounds delicious. The acting is okay, but not spectacular. However, the main problem was with the writing. The story just wasn't compelling enough. It would have also helped if the film featured a really nasty villain, not just a nebulous undefined band of loons. Westerns benefit from good villains and clear motives, two things Slow West is lacking. Rating: Matinée

It is entertaining enough and there are enough plot twists to recommend this film. Go to the theaters just to see the wonderful photography. Peace, Tex Shelters
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