CGI/video FX Huge Letdown - If You Must, Watch Cartoon Instead
5 June 2015
2.9 of 10. Although the opening is better than the anime's first episode in setting up the "parasyte" infection, it's mostly a letdown the rest of the way, starting with the FX/CGI. It wasn't even close to seeming real, and if you can't make it seem real, why bother with trying to do a version with real actors and objects?

As expected, this is really just a promotion for selling 2 (hopefully it won't be a trilogy) films instead of 1. I don't know why anyone would bother when it would be much more worth the time and money to see an enhanced version of the original cartoon on a theater screen. For many people, that's not really necessary because home theater systems give you the benefits of the theater and you can watch each episode rather than a selectively truncated/revised encapsulation of the series.

As for the sci-fi and story involved, it's the same as the cartoon, which is interesting but far from absolutely necessary to watch. Even the series is no better than a 5 of 10. This is a film to make money off of the insane fans with nothing better to do.
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