Norwegian, nice and cozy
14 June 2015
As far as I know, this is the only Norwegian movie about the end of the world that exists. Well, at least the only one I've seen, or heard of.

Mennesker i Solen, or "People in the sun" is an enjoyable little thing. It has some cool characters, all the actors do a fine job. (This has some of the most prolific actors in Norway) They do good.

It has some funny moments. The dialogue is pretty good, not too Norwegian-movie like. And the environments are nice indeed, it is what we are known for here in Norway, after all! (haha, I hope it's actually filmed in Norway)

Kudos to the film makers for making something like this in Norway. Yes, we have extremely many uninteresting, boring movies, about boring stuff, so this is very refreshing. Shame it didn't do better at the box office.

You know, I don't have that much more I want to say.. It's a pretty good watch.
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