Pushing the limits ahead of the time of which they had pushed the limits on TV.
24 June 2015
My 2 Brothers J.Kevin and Mark found this one night on a Rhode Island Channel because of how they went Channel changing because they didn't like the episode of The show of which we usually watched that night.We even for a time addressed it as "The Cartoon." Also even after I found it in The TV Guide and showed it to my older Brother J.Kevin saying hear it is and it's only on Tuesday."He then said "Wait till Your Father gets home."I looked it up because he said "Remember that cartoon for tonight."Later that year in The Fall It came to our Local State's Channel and it was one of those first run syndicated shows of which was played on Various networks.

Next onward to pushing the limits ahead of the time of which they had otherwise started to on TV one review said this cartoon was to cash in on the Success of "All in the Family." whether or not that's really so most of us know that it premiered as a sequence on "Love American Style." It was titled as follows "Love and The American Father." In this as I saw on one episode Harry and Irma were hiding from the kids in the Bathroom to eat Submarine Sandwiches so that they wouldn't see them & want some too when they only got two.In this scene we see a toilet on The right side of the screen while in "The Brady Bunch." as told on Nick@ Nite's "Brady Bunch." Block Party Summer There was a Red Arrow pointing and bouncing up and down on The right side of the screen and with the Pop up Bubble saying "Here's where the Toilet was but then the censors had ordered it to be removed before there were ever any bathroom scenes filmed on the show."So naturally The censors couldn't order it removed from this cartoon when it's a cartoon and already made and then released.At one time on "All in The Family."As told by a media source it was a big thing just having a toilet flushing background sound heard behind the door. They also had the episode of which Irma had the same signs of one who's Pregnant but it turned out not to be as it's put at times on TV shows as"The New Life."Before this was found out Harry was thinking of how things would be if he had another son and what things would be like by the time he was,at the age that Jamie was then,He'd be in a wheelchair and with a long beard and no fun for his son while trying to catch up with his son while he'd be riding his bike.Another Example when Chet said to his Mom in Conclusion We're not going to get married we're only going to live here together like we're Married and she then fainted and fell off the chair and when after a short time that they did so and his girlfriend introduced to him a motorcycle gang-member that she'd be going out with that night he then said to I wont let you and she then said to Chet "Wont let me!?";"Chet Boyle We'll through!"A similar almost Parallel to this as seen in "All in the Family."was the episode in which Mike and Gloria wanted their friends of whom are a Hippie Couple move into their home with them but because they weren't Married Archie didn't/wouldn't allow them to. Chet was like a hippie he had not just had wanted to demonstrate that people like him didn't need to work to get around but had long hair of which he didn't want to cut whenever he was asked to.I recall one episode when The Father had told Chet to either get a job or live outside then Irma said to Harry "it might be to dangerous out there there may even be animals out there too."Then They showed A gorilla with a knife and fork and maybe 2 other animals including a wolf too.Then it rained and Chet came to the door knocked and then said "Okay Pop you win I'll try to get a job."

One night when my Sister Maureen and I were watching this my Mom even asked wasn't this cartoon on "Love American Style."? Then Maureen said "Yes that's right."I later saw it in a 10:00am rerun and told them how I saw it in the next room and so then we switched it and watched it together.

The late Tom Bosley who's most famous for playing Howard Cunningham not only continue this voice supplementation for this when it went beyond the Love American Style Pilot of which was Addressed as "Love and The American Father." But also got to take over the role of Howard Cunningham on "Happy Days."Because The late Harold Gould who first had the role in The "Love American Style." Pilot of "Love and the Happy Days."couldn't reprise it because he was on vacation and so he couldn't come back from vacation in time to do so.We also see various other examples of which were never seen on TV Shows at this time that weren't cartoons at this time.But do watch these episodes on Youtube and see for yourself sometime and you'll see what I mean too.Like from The Pilot and seen in the opening when Alice comes back from her date in that beat up state. Yes this just might be the next prime time cartoon in line after both "The Flintstones." and "Rocky and Bullwinkle."of which came out a year before 'The Flintstones."Then after "Wait till Your Father gets Home would come both in this order "The Simpsons." and then "Family Guy."

Truthfully, Stephen "Steve" G. Baer a.k.a. "Ste" of Framingham,Ma.USA

P.S. As I'd previously told on these IMDb sites my older Brother J.Kevin came up with Ste when that was all that he could get out and being just a year older than me and why I couldn't be brought up to prefer Stephen.
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