Review of Cut!

Cut! (2014)
Not enough original, and mediocre
30 June 2015
At first glance - a normal low-budget film in a genre almost-Horror. But I do not recommend, based on a stupid and primitive violence. In addition, if the horror is not scary, it is disgusting and it is already - not really a horror film. The plot is almost non-existent in it, the script is sucked from the finger.

What could be a plus, namely the ability to be rented for $ 300 a film turned out to be a minus. The movie was filmed in such a way, that is not much interested in the viewer .. NOT intriguing nothing at all, except to inflict physical harm or kill someone. What makes this creation, disgusting product, but unbecoming to view. Degraded- layer emulsion.

The director, of course, has its own style *, but the potential for its development is limited to primitive violence, because he * only on this reasonable. The very same film about mediocrity persons, who do not make sense as shooting is not something that horror, and anything at all, and doing terrible things on the way to his 1st movie - this is their horror, in fact about the film itself.

Cut so that with a certain probability may be able to tighten the film fans, until the end of viewing, but The usual bold viewer will want to turn off after 5 + minute (if not sooner, then later)
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