Entourage (2015)
Funnier than "Spy"
21 June 2015
The gang is back!..I hate reviews that start like that. Anyway, I'll make this quick since my review is coming out way too late for anyone to care.

Originally (and very loosely) based on Mark Wahlberg's early experiences in Hollywood with his own circle of friends, "Entourage" the television show (in its heyday) was sort-of the "Sex and the City" for men; filled with episode after episode of sex-fuelled, upper class, machismo entertainment. This HBO vehicle followed the trials and tribulations of young Hollywood star, Vincent Chase, his agent, Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) his half-brother, Johnny "Drama", his best friend (and manager) Eric (E, for short) and perpetual hanger-on/driver, Turtle. And to be quite honest, it was an entertaining show. That is until season four, when the premises became repetitive, with only the consistent cameos pushing the episodes forward. Sadly, this show went on for 4 more years after that, ending in 2011.

So suffice to say, this 2015 big screen reunion may garner a box office draw which only consists of the loyal viewership; especially since the film is nothing more than an extended episode; though one does not need to have seen an episode of the original series to find something to like here.

The plot of this extended episode follows mega movie star Vinny Chase, who is set to make his directorial debut, Eric and his girl problems, Drama still trying to get an acting gig and (undoubtedly the most entertaining plot line) Turtle and his romantic pursuit of MMA superstar, Ronda Rousey.

I will repeat, all "Entourage" (the movie) is, is a 104 minute episode. That said, as a stand-alone episode, writer/director Doug Ellin has done such an excellent job of putting it all together for the big screen (with only a few loose ends, plot-wise) that it should rank up there as one of the best episodes since season 2. Now, what you personally think of these one-dimensional (misogynistic) characters is another thing. But if you came into this film expecting anything other than a film about privileged, good looking men, trying to get laid and make movies, then I feel bad for you.

Final Thought: As vapid as this story was, I was (for the most part) entertained. I found myself laughing pretty consistently at the sophomoric one-liners, as well as the creative ways Ellin plugs in the multitude of cameos (lead by the charismatic, Ronda Rousey, who appears to be having the successful film career Gina Carano never could obtain) which continues to gives "Entourage" that little extra something. And also, the genuine comradery (the reason anybody watched the show in the first place) between this tight knit group of guys was not lost in the transition to the big screen. And that's why, though not memorable in the long scheme of things, "Entourage" is a film worth checking out over an over-hyped comedy like "Spy".
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