The Kicks (2015–2016)
12 year old faces struggles on and off the soccer field
2 July 2015
My two kids love "The Kicks!" My 10 year old daughter relates to Devin, as she also struggles with preteen friendship dynamics and fitting in on a team. And the fact that the family shares the struggle together, and depicts parents and preteens supporting each other is pretty cool. The soccer element is very fun, as we're athletic over here. Also, Alex Morgan is an awesome role model! Kudos to Amazon for depicting strong, athletic, and not overly feminine girls on TV, what a nice change! I like that the brother is also very different than his sister, "not a ball throwing person." And yet they get along and embrace their differences without making fun of each other. Coach Flores is realistic as the over- burdened teacher trying to help out. I also liked the moment when Mirabelle drops her anger and puts on the mask of "cool"…which will help my kids understand that sometimes the mean girls are really just wearing a mask to protect themselves. I can't wait to see more. Also love the Mom and Dad, so normal….idealistic but also kinda cool and trying to help, without sarcasm.
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