Arnold Schwarzenegger, old, not obsolete, in a, not so simple, story, about time-travelling robots.
7 July 2015
In 1984 a former Austrian body-builder appeared naked on the streets of Los Angeles and became a world-wide sensation. He had a magnificent physique and the Guinness Book of World Records described him as "the most perfectly developed man in the history of the world".

The reason for his nakedness was that he was acting in a film called 'The Terminator' (1984). His character was a robot, to be precise, cyborg, from a future where machines had been waging a war (of extinction) against humans. Robots, called Terminators, had been killing humans. The humans were fighting back, and were led by a great leader called John Connor. The machines developed a cunning plan to send a Terminator robot back in time to kill Sarah Connor before she gave birth to her son. Realizing the danger, John Connor decided to send a human back in time. Kyle Reese volunteered. The precise reason for all these people turning up naked on the streets of LA was that time-travel can only be accomplished naked.

This highly popular and successful film was followed by an equally well-received sequel 'Terminator 2: Judgement Day' (1991). That film was a little different and had the plot-line of killing John Connor, whilst he was still a boy. There is also a 'Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines' (2003).

Trailers for the new film 'Terminator Genisys' seemed to show that it was similar, to be precise, it had been tweaked enough to appear to be the same, but also different. It was on that basis that this reviewer decided to go and see the film, and so it turned out in practise. The trailer though, does commit a major blunder with a quite unnecessary plot-spoiler.

This film, in the 3D format opens with the Paramount icon. The plot is the same, The Terminator has gone back to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor and the mission of Kyle Reese is to go back to save her. He is warned that she is merely a timid waitress.

We are therefore in familiar territory as the naked bodies head off to be plopped onto the streets of 1984 LA. The filming here is very good because we have the old story combined with the new. It is not clear what is old and what is new. Filming is good throughout the movie. The 3D effects are good, I was once startled enough to actually sit up/jump up in my seat. All other special-effects were good too.

Once again Arnold Schwarzenegger, for it is he, plays the role of the robot. It may be wondered if he is too old for the role, but that is clearly not so. He is older now, yes, but this has meant that he can, and does, exhibit pathos, in some emotional and poignant scenes.

British actress Emilia Clarke plays the role of Sarah Connor. She shows great emotion, is fearful, and feisty. She convinces that she is just as tough as Sarah Connor, as Linda Hamilton was in the first film. She looks the part. It is not a plot-spoiler, so I am happy to reveal, that the 'Big Hair' of the 1984 original film is, thankfully, not on show in the new film.

Jai Courtney plays the role of Kyle Reese in the new film. Again he is played a little differently than in the original.

Of other actors, Byung-hun Lee plays a robot every bit as menacing as that played by Robert Patrick in 'Terminator 2'. JK Simmons, in a small part, plays the role of a character who seems to know a little bit more than some others. JK Simmons is a veteran of the Law & Order TV series, as is Courtney B Vance, who also has a small role.

'Terminator Genisys' has a somewhat complex plot, as well as lots of science to confuse and dazzle us with. There are exciting scenes, I thought the bridge and helicopter scenes were especially so. Like previous films, there are many scenes of bodies flying through walls. There also some familiar one-liners, though some perhaps said in a somewhat different context than previously. There are some new lines that may become equally as iconic.

This time-travel film, is a film that enhances the original and enriches it. Certainly, those familiar with the older films will find their viewing enhanced and enriched but previous knowledge is not required to enjoy this film.

This film, clearly pays tribute to the original, and rightly so. After three decades, the original is still an iconic film, about an iconic character, played by an iconic actor. This new film is the same as the original, but also different. Some iconic lines are repeated, some scenes changed.

It is curious to note that James Cameron, who wrote and directed the first two Terminator films had originally wanted Big Arnie to play the human Kyle Reese. Wisely, Arnie asked to play the robot 'The Terminator' and thus a legend was born. To think about it now, it is laughable and ludicrous to imagine the roles reversed. If we look at their bodies, it is obvious that Arnie was born to play the robot/cyborg, it is the only way that this film would have worked. The alternative version: A super-human takes on a midget robot! LOL!

An exciting film, with great actors, and old familiar characters.

Once again Big Arnie delivers in his iconic role as 'The Terminator'.

Not bad for a retired Californian politician! Well worth seeing. 9/10.
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