The Cramp Twins (2001–2005)
4kids can't make cartoons just like they can't dub anime
26 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
*Attention,Spoiler Allert!!!*

Okay,so The Cramp Twins is this 2001 cartoon made by the notorious 4kids which made anime fans from all over the world,including the states hate America!So the premise of this show is about two nonidentical twins,Lucian and Wayne,the first one is a bland copy of Lisa Simpson while the other one is destructive and insane.They have two irresponsible parents,the mother is a germophobic freak who cares more about the way the house looks than she does about her kids and the father is a man child who is obsessed with Western culture.The family lives in a small town called Soap City which I think that is called like that because lots of its citizens,including the father end up working at the soap factory who is runed by you guessed,a glutton,evil idiot who treats his employers like crap and has a bitch daughter named Wendy whom he can't say no.Also,the bitch daughter goes to the same school as the twins and has a crush for Wayne for an unknown reason,I'm not kidding,Wayne is not considered to be either good looking or cool,in fact most kids avoid him so there's literally no reason why she would be attracted by him.Lucian doesn't have any friends except for this Daria rip off,Mary and I'm not kidding,a swamp boy who happens to be a midget.The plot constantly has the other characters look like they pollute the world and Lucian is the only one who cares about the swamp. Okay,it's not like this premise sounded as weird as it does today,having Eco messages in a cartoon was a thing back in the 90's and early 2000's but you gotta do them properly!This show portrays everybody who is not an ecologist as either an ass hole or a dumbass.The messages here are confusing,what are "swamp people",are they like natives who used to live in the swamp,cause that would make so much more sense,but no they are just some everyday ecologists who live in swamps,have a bad taste in fashion and lack hygienic senses.And you know what's even worse?Most of the time Wayne wins and he's one of the most unlikeable characters on television,he constantly hurts people just for the sake of it,you know like Bart Simpson...except that Bart Simpsons actually has a personality and has a drop of common sense into his brain.The rest of the characters are simply just early 2000's stereotypes,especially Wendy who is the most clichéd mean girl that I can think off.The show got really weird in the later seasons where they had Wayne being addicted to some kind of candy only to make a portrayal of drug addicts or where their teacher has to offered herself to take of the family while the mother is gone only to kick the twins out from the house and try to seduce the father while not allowing him to take any showers-yeahhh,I can understand why the fans of this show hate the later episodes,but this does not make the earlier episodes look good to me,so don't watch it.
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