Stupid Sully, Silly Plot
27 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Colleen is providing medical services to the Queen of England (how absurd) and so she and Andrew do not appear in this movie. Nor does Matthew or Hank. Michaela and Sully take the lead roles. We see plenty of Cloud Dancing, Jake, Robert E, Horace, and Brian. We also see some of the Reverend, Loren Bray, Grace, and Dorothy.

DISCREPANCIES: Katie should be about 6 years old by now, not 4. Grace should have a child by now, given that she was pregnant in the final episode, but I saw no sign of any black child in this movie. Jake spoke no Spanish, despite his marriage to a Spanish señora (absent from the movie). Edison's light bulb was not invented until 1879, two years after this movie is dated, so the opening scenes regarding copper wires and copper mining could not have occurred yet.

QUIBBLES: Once again, it is Sully's characterization that bugs me. Why didn't he respond to the direct threat of "dire consequences" and take steps to protect his family? (He makes the same mistake in the next movie). Why did he totally ignore the threat, not even telling Michaela about it? The least he could have done was to keep his family nearby, under close watch. But no, instead he left little Katie at home that same night, with only Horace babysitting. When Katie was kidnapped, Michaela blamed Sully for not telling her about the threat. His response was to say she takes risks all the time, like when she treats patients with contagious diseases, or secretly helps the natives. What a crock!

Later, when Sully rescues Katie, he takes no precautions. He leaves the door wide open. He doesn't first check that the coast is clear. He doesn't wait until the entire household is asleep. This reckless behavior made no sense, given his previous characterization as a stealthy sneaky operative.

Sully leaves Katie in the hands of a strange woman, while he takes care of a dangerous matter. There's no way he'd do that, in a foreign country, after he'd lost his daughter for two months, and knowing first-hand how corrupt were the Mexican justice system and military. He would have taken Katie with him, and tucked her out of sight a short distance away. He might have brought the woman along as babysitter.

I liked the prison break-out scene. And the scene with the bandits.

But what are the chances that another little girl would look so much like Katie, and that Michaela herself would be fooled? The clothing alone would have provided a huge clue.
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