Perhaps slightly better than the first.
5 September 2015
I'll be the first to say it: did not expect anything from Phase 2, nothing better than the original, no improvement, I only saw a lot of gore heading my way.

On the gore part, I was right, this one being a lot more brutal than the original, but the plot, is really good. They actually followed the story, quite nicely too, linked some pieces together, showed a better and more complex plot that leads to a good ending. It is hard to watch at times, but this is what this kind of movies usually bring, so get your stomach ready cause you'll need to.

Overall, Contracted: Phase 2, was a lovely sequel, and now I can't wait to see what part three will be all about. I mean, I hope this will turn into a trilogy and I'm guessing next on the list is the breakout of the virus. Probably a lot more gore too!

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