A film about shooting, explosions and fighting
9 September 2015
A couple of members of an elite military team travel without permission to Latin America to sort out a gang of terrorists who have stolen a nuclear bomb.

Delta Force Commando is an Italian action movie that takes its influence from the Arnold Schwarzenegger vehicle Commando (1985). Consequently, it involves lots and lots of bad guys pitching up as cannon fodder for our heroes to mow down with machine guns and grenades. It's essentially action all the way with this one, with little concern for any other aspects whatsoever. It stars the American Fred Williamson in a role as a hijacked pilot and he does get ample opportunity to act cool on several occasions, the lead guy is someone called Brett Baxter Clark who walks around the entire movie with a face like fizz and he does make Williamson appear like Laurence Olivier by direct comparison; still he suited this film to a certain extent as all he has to do here is go around shooting and blowing people up. The only other guy I recognised was the chief baddie who was played by Mark Gregory. I know this guy from the 'Bronx Warriors' films but unfortunately he doesn't sport the spectacular poodle perm haircut in this film that adorned his head in those earlier flicks. A shame that, as a lead villain who looked like he was a member of an L.A. hair metal band would have resulted in Delta Force Commando receiving a further point in its score from me. But then we can't have everything can we?
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