Poirot: Murder in Mesopotamia (2001)
Season 8, Episode 2
The only feature length Poirot I'd class as poor.
12 October 2015
This is possibly the only Poirot I find difficult to get through, as a novel it's pretty good, full of colour with strong characters, to me though something was lost in translation. The adaptation is so bland, it's actually quite boring, the characters somehow aren't real or genuine.

The murder itself (first one) and its explanation are very far fetched, almost beyond belief, I mean I don't always remember people, but in this particular instance I'm sure some mannerisms or actions would trigger something. However I do like the imagination shown in the killing of Mrs Leidner, it was certainly inventive and different. A few too many liberties with the book, Hastings did not need to be in this one, he doesn't really add anything to it.

The locations are stunning, Tunisia was used as a double for Iraq, and it looks incredible, it's a beautiful land. It had the sunshine that was much needed in Evil under the Sun.

This Poirot features what I'd class as one of the darkest moments, the death of poor Mrs Johnson, what a horrible way to go. I was frightened to drink a glass of water for weeks.

I very rarely watch a Poirot without commenting on the high quality of acting, in this one though I find some of the characters really flat, Ron Berglas's Doctor Leidner is the high point.

I wanted so much more from this one. 5/10
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