Review of Jobs

Jobs (2013)
Bad jobs
23 October 2015
Want to hate someone? want to learn how to have utter contempt for a man? just watch this film. its that easy. Ashton Kutcher is a good actor, but not for this film. He comes off as an angry intellectual Kelso from that 70's show. The film presents Steve jobs and a manipulative, cruel, angry, insulting prick who abuses his brilliant friends abilities to pursue riches and obsession.

If that was the real Jobs then the world is cleaner in his passing. If no this film should publish an apology to his friends and family.

In this film: (spoiler alert!) you can watch Steve jobs - alienate his girlfriend - deny his daughter - brow beat and cheat his friends and employers - violently over react to logic - abuse and steal ideas and claim them for his own. - repeatedly steal from Woz. A grim telling of what seems like the life of a bad person, jumpy, sloppy in presentation, over dramatic and brooding, even every camera shot seems too intense. Its like a gritty dramatic suspense, without any reason for suspense.

a shoddy film that anyone involved in should be ashamed of.
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