A good look at legendary debates, it's really what political TV and pundit talk should be like today!
8 November 2015
1968 was before my time I wasn't born till 1978 still I know and have studied enough history to know what the times were like and have heard by now and read and have done my homework on the legendary figures of Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley. Finally got to watch this new like documentary called "Best of Enemies" Buckley vs. Vidal. And the title is so true and I must say after watching this telling of footage it rings so true from the interviews and debate footage it was interesting and so educational that any political or history buff will enjoy. The film centers around the summer of 1968 as the news would change forever as last place in the ratings network ABC made the choice to put two educated and know a lot people on to debate each other during the Democratic and Republican conventions. Enter William F. Buckley Jr. a rich arrogant snob like conservative who lead the new wave march for the right. And second up the outspoken and always talking liberal Gore Vidal who was also a novelist and champion for the left. During the debates both thought each others views were wrong for America as it even got to heated verbal exchanges and name calling and in the day in age with class and political clashing of the 1960's war and fight for freedom ABC news had a ratings hit. To bad in today's pundit land of political TV it can't no longer be like this as the networks have became to one sided and don't encourage debate and educated thought even if it does lead to verbal words and name calling the country needs more debates from people on the opposite sides. Gore Vidal and William Buckley both were legends who challenged and caused thought and asked questions of many, to bad we don't have any around like those two both the wit and smarts of Vidal and Buckley is really missed in today's TV pundit political world.
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