At Once, Both a First and Last in Film History.....see narrative below
14 November 2015
IT'S REALLY AND truly true. This one reel, 8 minutes of animation have managed to be significantly so situated as to command such a unique position in filmdom. Of course, it certainly wasn't planned that way; as such intentionally laid plans "of Mice and Men.....etc." Well you know, Schultz!

FIRST OF ALL, this is the first adaptation of the story to film; be it big screen or small. And even this adaptation has an interesting and multi-faceted lineage all of its own.

THE STORY ORIGINATED as a tale meant to amuse the children of one Robert L. May (1905-76). It was committed to the written page, where it became a very popular tale with kiddies everywhere. (End of Chapter One)

NOW WE HAVE the entrance of actor/song writer, Johnny Marks, who was the Brother-in-Law of Mr. Robert L. May. Before long, the Christmas Novelty Song, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" was a hit (on a yearly renewable basis) on the radio, juke boxes, phonograph records and sheet music. To his very day, Gene Autry's Collection of Christmas Songs sees the new light of Day; especially at Sears & Roebuck stores, where it appears to be a truly real world time warp.*

FROM THIS TOP of the world position, it was truly "a short put to a film adaptation. This then came in the guise of a one reeler, eight minute animated cartoon short subject. As its Producer-Director it had none-other than Max Fleischer, whose accomplishments in the field of bringing life and movement to drawings both predated and was second to only Walt Disney in that field.

THIS WAS A SORT of a comeback for Max, whose involuntary "retirement" had been hastened by Paramount Pictures' financial coup-de-tat, taking his own FLEISCHER BROTHERS Cartoon Studios over and rechristening the company as FAMOUS Studios. This was the first and only cartoon production for him ever since those days in (circa) 1944 he was deposed.

SO IT WAS that Max and brother Dave Fleischer, who had given us OUT OF THE INKWELL (with KOKO The Klown), BETTY BOOP, POPEYE Cartoons, GULLIVER'S TRAVELS, HOPPITY GOES TO TOWN and the SUPERMAM Theatrical Cartoon Series, hadn't done any pictures for about 5 years, when this came along. (The Brothers Fleischer hadn't even spoken to each other from that period until the end of their lives.**)

AS FOR THE particulars of this, the first RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER, it was a spectacular vehicle for the entrance of RUDOLPH into the new medium. The adaptation of the story (which is basically a variation on the "Ugly Duckling" syndrome, is done in a no holds barred manner. While all of the original elements are intact, Fleischer's adapting screenwriter, Joseph Stultz, adorns and fortifies the scenario with some healthy doses of Anthropomorphic deer, hazing of poor little "Red-Nose" and hero's welcome for him in a large Olympic-type stadium.

ALYHOUGH WE HAVE long heard of this particular production, it is only recently that we were able to view it. We saw it in DVD form (available from Amazon.com along with several old Christmas themed cartoons,) Our Grandsons (3 year old Jack and 17 month Patrick) both give it their hearty endorsements.

NOTE: * It's true, Every year, Gene Autry's smile and 10 gallon hat dominate Sears' radio/television department.

NOTE: ** Well Schultz, you know the old expression: "You can choose your friends, but not your relatives!"
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