A combined air of realism and romance
15 November 2015
Strange selection that of a town and wild country on the northwest coast of Africa for the location of a drama, yet it is far from an uninteresting one in the capable hands of James Young. His treatment is so artistic that it gives the entire piece a combined air of realism and romance, realism in its convincing thoroughness of detail, and romantic in its impressively picturesque interiors and bits of scenery both suggestive and inspiring. This treatment stamps all that is strong in the drama upon memory, and aids materially in making Mr. Hayakawa's fine acting impressive. There is also a fine cast, the notable support being that of Florence Vidor. There would be no objection to the dark mood of this story if it had direct significance, but that of its title and of its purpose is that good women are so rare in such places that the few who exist must be protected. That is a good motive in all times and places, and, as such, it deserves commendation, but its remote application seriously lessens the effect intended. As an offset the treatment leaves nothing to be desired. - The Moving Picture World, May 4, 1918
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