Make your own opinion
12 November 2015
The first reviewer has been watching too many 10 star horror movies (is there such a thing?).

Never ever judge a movie by the reviewers....you might miss something that is not a typical B-Movie Horror Flick.

Krampus is just that kind of movie. I have almost every Creature Feature Flick that I can ever hope to download. I have the bore you to death to "where did that come from" movies. Krampus is one such movie.

OK...it is definitely low budget...but what B-movie isn't!!! The acting is a little wooden but presentable for not having one headliner actor at all.

The plot will surprise you...it actually pulls you along. The Creature doesn't act as well as it looks...and it looks great. I wanted more of the Creature....but alas. The ending could have cleaned things up a little better, but it worked.

The creepy little girl thing has been worked over timelessly. Yet...big surprise here...I love creepy little girls. And for you tata lovers....The movie has something for you too.

I give all B-movie Horror films a 5 star rating if it absolutely doesn't suck. Try this one for size. Would love to hear how you felt about it. Q(:-}
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