Review of Spotlight

Spotlight (I) (2015)
I have no faith that priests can live without sex
21 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a well made, well acted movie. Worth while seeing. Reading the reviews there is one review which claims that the story was really broken by Kirsten Lombardi working for an alternative Boston paper called Phoenix. She does not get any credit in this movie. I have found often that these alternative papers dig out a good story and because they do not have the resources of big newspapers are not able to follow up the same way. Nowadays there is not much money for investigative journalism anywhere. Everything is owned by a few corporations who impose their agenda on the news staff, which is very sad and worry-some. This movie also shows that journalists embedded in a community may not question thoroughly those which have been their friends since childhood and who may threaten their survival in that community. It sometimes takes an outsider to force the spotlight on things. That became evident in the journalist played by Michael Keaton. First I suspected that he might have been molested himself, but then it turned out that he had ignored the story twenty years prior though it was served to him on a platter. In this respect the movie was well rounded and realistic. It is also realistic about the abuse children had to suffer by priests. I was raised Catholic, I never encountered an abusive priest during my childhood. But there were plenty of indications that priests were suspected to have sex. With their housekeeper or with devoted church ladies. I remember people making jokes about it and finding it okay. In my personal opinion I consider it abuse that the Catholic church forces priests and nuns to live a sexless life. It is against nature and obviously nature takes revenge. If priests and nuns could marry the Catholic church would probably not have such a huge shortage of people willing to serve. I have left the Catholic church the moment I legally could. As a woman I saw no role models and no place for me. I looked at all the other religions in this world and decided that none of them appeals to me. Religion may be a comfort to some people, but it also seems to be the breeding ground for so much hate and so much violence. So for decades I have lived happily without religion or faith. A strange thing happened to me and a few dozen of other movie go-ers while trying to see the movie. We were informed by the theater management that they could not show the movie because they did not have permission. We were refunded and offered to see other movies instead. This was a first for me in decades of movie going. I ended up seeing this movie in a different theater run by a different company, they obviously had permission
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