Ealing Comedy meets Films Noir
26 November 2015
A radio reporter out to push the boundaries of his profession gets in serious trouble when he attempts to stage a fake art heist. He wants to capture the police's arrest on air - the one thing he had not planned for was that a real burglary would take place - and such this surprisingly polished and energetic thriller comedy begins to form.

What surprised me most were the apparent influences, and just how exciting this film would turn out to be. Particularly the early portions of the film seemed filled with the energy and charm that defined Ealing comedies at the exact same point of time in Britain, while also incorporating film noir aesthetics. But more so, they incorporated a great sense of suspense.

There is never a dull moment, and no sequence is without either comedy or suspense - typically both. And this is what surprised me the most: Just how well it managed to keep the suspense going. Two major chase sequences are particularly noteworthy - and how the suspense and humor fit together so seamlessly is nothing short of applause worthy.

No, the formula is not something new, and it is clearly made for mainstream appeal - but when it works as well as here this is hardly a negative critique. The film delivers a friendly, exciting, well-shot and just altogether ace package. The conclusion itself could have been handled slightly better - but I'm never the less sold. 8.5/10.
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