The Last Run (2004)
Unfunny Nonsense
29 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK, spoilers abound, so don't read if you care.

Normally I'd give film like this 5/10 as its lame attempt at comedy. Reason it gets 1/10 is because its obviously written, produced and directed by those clueless about strip clubs, sex industry and PUA in general.

As some might have guessed from my name I am the guy who made fortune from PUA over last decade, and if you've read any of those books you know I used to own strip clubs in both USA and Canada. I am only mentioning this to show that I am more than qualified to write this and be right.

Whores do not cost thousands of dollars. An A-grade porn star in her prime might. A stripper who works any day other than Friday and maybe Saturday night is broke and needs cash. She will not say line such as 'I don't leave club for under a thousand'.

In each strip club, out of 10-20 girls working there during a shift, only few are making good money. Rest are getting scraps. Top strippers in top clubs rarely make a thousand on best nights of their lives. In this film, every ugly girl is charging thousands. In one scene two repulsively unattractive women show up, and guy pays them 400 bucks a piece.

While main actor was perfect fit for 'Boy Meets World' fact that he never got chick playing Topanga IRL should make it obvious that girls do not dream about guys like him. So one of very few attractive women in film, a bartender, would be highly unlikely to give him pity sex.

Main issue I have with this film is that it feels like it was either made by feminists, or guys who cant get laid and are too stupid to get some any other way than tossing thousands of dollars at ugly girls I'd not do if they paid me.

Understand this: women are cheap and easy. Only ugly women who no man wants set higher standards, as they know nobody wants them anyway, so they can at least pretend they are worth something.

This movie sucks.
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