A portrait of the not-so-young lesbians as a boring bland bourgeois couple.
25 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose this really was about a woman called Jenny being wedded, even so, it lacked so much drama, it was a boring exercise. The lack of an angle on her wife to be feels totally unbalanced. The only thing we know about her is that her mother lives in Portland. We don't know about her job, her father, her background ... NOTHING! After all, it's about JENNY'S wedding, not about ... I forgot her name already, and I think it's the filmmakers intention that I don't look that up.

The only tension in this movie comes from waiting for something to happen, but nothing ever does.

I guess it was the filmmakers intention to show lesbians as normal as possible, but does that HAVE TO mean as boring as hell?

On a side note: Why are all lesbian roles played by heteronormative actresses, often married with chilluns??? And if it HAS to be those, how about a little skin? After all, we lesbians like to dream about unattainable stars as much as anyone.

It was all too movie-of-the-week, Lifetime crappy for my taste.

Oh well.

On hindsight, this isn't about lesbians at all. It's about conservatives coming to the shocking discovery that .....drumroll .... their own kids are MORE important than what the neighbors think, or their own nauseating prejudices. I mean, half or more of conservatives actually abandon their utterly vulnerable kids when they come out, and that is so un-Christian, it is Satanic.

The Melancholic Alcoholic.
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