More like the Wizard of Bore...
23 December 2015
When I ordered this movie from Amazon it was with some anticipation as it has Jeffrey Combs, Crispin Glover and Brad Dourif on the cast list. And the DVD cover brandished 'a new version of the horror classic' and 'one of the year's most anticipated releases'. Yeah, well, lets just say that I was sorely disappointed.

Well, with a result as abysmal as this movie was, I don't even want to delve into the original 1970 version.

The story in this movie didn't appeal to me in any way, as it was too forced and didn't ever manage to capture my interest. And truth be told, I even dozed off for about ten minutes. The entire movie was just trying to be a bit too much extraordinary for my liking.

What kept this movie semi-afloat was aforementioned actors; Jeffrey Combs, Crispin Glover and Brad Dourif. But they could only do so much in order to salvage this train-wreck of a movie given the limitations of the screenplay and the directorial hand of Jeremy Kasten. Oh, well and the gore in the movie was good as well, and that counts for something, if you enjoy that kind of macabre entertainment.

I am sure that there is an audience for this movie, I just wasn't part of that audience, that much is for sure.
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