Review of Drum

Drum (1976)
Mandingo" was the fuse "Drum" is the explosion
24 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Explosive follow up to the shocking movie about the pre Civil War South "Mandingo" has the son of the Mandingo slave Mede the grown up and fully developed Drum played by the then top heavyweight champion contender Ken Norton get involved in a slave revolt against his white slave masters when they try to castrate as well as murder his good friend fellow slave Blasé,Yaphet Kooto. That's when Blaze was accused of acting improperly by the master or slave owner of the house Hammond Maxwell's, Warren Oates, sex crazed teenage daughter Miss. Sophie, Rainbeaux Smith.

Drum who at first had his outs with Blaze has now become his best friend but is helpless to save him in that "The Master" Mr. Maxwell who subconsciously knew what a liar and uncontrollable sexual predator, toward his bucks or male slaves, his daughter Sophie was but just couldn't admit it to himself. And had to do the poor and innocent Blaze in to uphold his daughter Sophie's honor. It's later that Drum who was the man who served refreshments. among other things , at Maxwell's New Orleans cat or whorehouse saw what was coming-a major slave revolt-and tried to stop it but by then things just got completely out of hand.

****SPOILERS*** Shocking and fiery climax to this really over the top in violence and raw sexuality, as well as the over the top use of the "N" word, film with Blaze against his friend Drum's advice leading a suicidal slave revolt against the slave dealers in New Orleans that lead to disaster for both sides;Slaves and slaves owners. With reinforcements coming to the slave owners and their families rescues the by now very confused Drum is given the chance by his master Mr. Maxwell to escape in the bayou's before the white posse can get to him and is seen at the end of the film running for his life.

P.S Despite it's shock value in depicting the pre Civil War deep south "Drum" was at times very historically accurate in how blacks-or African/Americans as their now called- were abused and treated, like farm animals, by their white masters. Still the movie put slave dealer and all around whore master Maxwell in a fairly good light in realizing how bad his business as a slave dealer was. It was Drum who got Maxwell to realize that blacks were as human as he and his fellow white slave dealers were but kept those feelings under wraps until the very end when with his home burned down and most of his family members massacred, due to his brutal treatment to his slaves, but that by then it was too late.
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