Enjoyable cast in a sweet, feel good movie with a fairytale style story.
3 January 2016
I enjoyed this for the most part, the cast is very likable and the story was interesting but as the movie progressed it did become overly sentimental and a bit cliché. Its a sweet, family friendly movie though with a theme that forces the viewer to just go with it as it enters into fantasy land.

Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton play a couple struggling to conceive who are finally told by their doctor that it is not to be. Devastated they drink a bottle of wine and make a list of all the qualities their child would/might have had, and bury it in their garden as a form off moving on. That night their hopes & dreams give birth to a curious 10 year old boy who magically emerges from the mud. He immediately calls them mom and dad and they except him and the leaves mysteriously growing from his legs without question.

The script is fairly thin after that but helped along by a cute CJ Adams as Timothy who does a great job. Garner and Edgerton also give their best as well as David Morse as the over achieving grandpa, Common (?!) as the soccer coach and Ron Livingston as a sort of bad guy at the pencil factory. Its definitely a feel good movie with a fairytale style story. Its sweet interesting, and tugs at your heart strings but in a very obvious way. 12/13/15
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