Warner Bros. warns America here of a plot . . .
4 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . spear-headed by Fat Cat Hollywood One Per Centers to replace automobiles with horses as America's primary mode of transportation. With World War Two raging via newsreels at local movie theaters across the U.S., and Americans putting their jalopies up on cement blocks in the face of acute gas and rubber (tire) rationing, the scheme detailed in this live-action short must have seemed more like a plausible possibility than a far-fetched fantasy to movie-goers still huffing and puffing from their pedestrian trek to the local cinema. Strangely missing from STARS ON HORSEBACK is a single defecating horse. If ALL Americans were riding horses to go about their daily business, studies show that our nation would be buried to an average depth of seven feet, three inches in Horseship by the end of one year. Obviously, the Blue-blood's blueprints did NOT envision such universal and ruinous horse ownership. Instead, they planned on our now-obsolete paved highways reverting to bridle trails for the wealthy, as Working America got stuck wandering ghettos such as Camden, Newark, and Detroit on foot. Without Warner's STARS ON HORSEBACK warning, The Rich may well have turned the Motor City into Buggy Whipville, with mass transit based on Dr. Scholl's corn pads.
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