Inconvenient and unexpected
14 January 2016
Over at RKO Studios where My Favorite Wife was being done Columbia was working on Too Many Husbands, a reverse of the same plot premise. That is a presumed dead husband showing up unexpectedly and inconveniently and complicating poor Jean Arthur's life. Of course when your husbands are Fred MacMurray and Melvyn Douglas that's a choice any girl would love being stuck with.

Too Many Husbands as a history going back to a W.Somerset Maugham play and before that to Tennyson's Enoch Arden. In this version Arthur has married her late husband's publishing partner in their firm Melvyn Douglas. But like Irene Dunne who spent several years on her tropical island in My Favorite Wife, Fred MacMurray is only there for a few months. Douglas however convinced he was really dead got him declared so in order that he may marry Arthur.

So now what to do? After all kinds of methods tried the decision is really kind of taken out of their hands. Will the loser bow out gracefully? One never knows in these things.

Jean Arthur was a mainstay over at Columbia Pictures, but her leading men MacMurray and Douglas were borrowed from Paramount and MGM respectively. And instead of a live in mother Arthur has a doting father in Harry Davenport living with her who just wishes things would go back to normal with one man in her life. Presiding over it all is Douglas's butler Melville Cooper whose facial expressions are a throwback to silent era days. But they're all he needs to get his point across.

A remake of this with a military and show business background was done in 1955 called Three For The Show. Even with Betty Grable, Jack Lemmon, and Gower Champion around it's decidedly inferior to this.

Too Many Husbands even got some Oscar recognition with a nomination for Best Sound Recording. Fans of the three leads should be pleased.
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