I am speechless... what a movie!!!
20 January 2016
...I recently watched this movie(both parts combined) on Netflix, at the behest of my wife...

... I was immediately(2m's) riveted by the intense acting of Mr. Jason Hawkins... What an actor!!!

Drawn in by his character I grew to actually like this man and all his peculiarities(3i's) and in some ways identified with him.

Later on I was appalled at what they did to this kind man and actually manifested a genuine panic/anxiety attack as the film went on.

I will not spoil the film for anyone, but I insist that you view this film in it's entirety(it is quite lengthy),..as you MAY learn a valuable lesson from it...I know I did.

... In closing, my hat is off to Mr. Hawkins and company for a job well, well done.

He deserves an Academy Award in my humble opinion.
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