The Treasure (2015)
Perplexing Movie
21 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Hard to tell what to make of "The Treasure". It was worthwhile and it was mildly entertaining. It was about just what the synopsis describes; two guys hire another guy who owns a metal detector to try to find 'treasure' they think is on the grounds of the estate of the great-grandfather of one of them. Turns out it was deeper than they thought, which adds digging time and running time to the picture.

Eventually, they find it, but it's not treasure in the normal sense; it is a box of old stock certificates for Mercedes-Benz, which are now worth a fortune. There is a sweet moment at the end, as one of the men has a young son who was excited by the thought of treasure. Instead of showing him a stack of paper stocks, he cashes his half and buys some jewelry to fill the box, and gives it to the boy, who is overwhelmed at the sight. Of course, the jewelry is worth only a fraction of what the man has grossed for the stocks.

Well, there you have it. I would say it's interesting, although not really a comedy, as it is billed. If it is, I would say the Romanian sense of humor is extremely subtle. Maybe a human interest story, as it holds the interest and is mercifully short at 89 minutes. There are no emotional highs or lows and no tension or suspense; for lack of a better term, it is a very calm picture. The cast were all very competent, no complaint there. It could have a little added excitement of some sort, but if you are thinking of seeing it you could do a lot worse nowadays. Speaking for myself, I liked it because it was simple and straightforward and held my interest. If you go, stay for the credits and you can hear one of the strangest songs ever, by one of the strangest voices; it's called "Life Is Life". Very peculiar.
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