While I didn't think Marcy was THAT great, it is a cute and engaging film.
28 January 2016
Jane Wyman plays Marcy, a screwy but incredibly likable young lady. When the film begins, one of her big dreams comes true...to become a flight attendant. However, at first she is just awful....and it's a wonder she even kept her job. What helped her, however, was that no matter how ditsy she seemed, she also exuded a certain likability and throughout the film, people just seem captivated by her. In fact, she meets three guys...each named Michael and each eventually falls in love with her! Mike (Van Johnson) is a graduate student, Mike (Barry Sullivan) is an advertising exec and Mike (Howard Keel) is a pilot...and all are gaga for her at the same time! Why and what she does about all this is something you'll just have to see for yourself.

The film works because it is charming. The acting is quite nice and the film clever. It's just a lovely slice of life picture...and ends marvelously with the line "Well, we have each other"...see the film and see what exactly that means!
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