Featuring a Spray of Tadpoles . . .
5 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . otherwise known as Oompah Loompah Frogmen & the Princess Who Must Not Be Named, as well as the Nobility of ARNOLDO and 2 pirate Leaders each Dumber THAN the Next + What It looks like when SPARTACUS Scuttles his ship & why NOT include the Ride of Paul Revere and a Dying Dad and a Treasure Grotto and a Human Elevator or HOW ABOUT shredded sails or pointy alarm clocks or lumbering sun dials AND DON'T FORGET TO SEE a man carve a sticky NOTE to himself without the aid of PAPER or STICKUM not to mention THE GIRL who will not give it up to just ANYONE with an ancient Crony Godmother CAN you solve the riddle of just HOW many arms does the steward have if woodchucks could chuck would Douglas Fairbanks have been so quick to build Pickfair if he had an OPTION on Fordbanks first you MAY wonder why Pirates would blow UP merchant ships within swimming distance of their TREASURE ISLAND the prize for MIMICRY regarding the endless subtitle for THE BLACK PIRATE as seen here
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