Good but misleading title
6 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't wait to see this after watching all the Evil Bong movies and two of the Gingerdead Man movies! Myself, I quite liked the Gingerdead man movies I watched, however, Evil Bong wasn't that great. Anyway, because I had watched the other films, I really wanted to see this movie. I was going with gingerdead man to win, and I couldn't wait to see the movie. So, I watched it, and the first thing I saw was Mr Cookie Slasher being fanned by topless women on an island. It was unnecessary but I didn't mind it, as it was funny at the same time and I didn't really mind it. So, it starts off with that, and then it switches to the dick's head shop with a rubbed out s, and there was a person from the first Evil Bong movie flash backing to the previous Evil Bong movies. Myself, I thought that was a good idea to flashback to the previous movies so people that hadn't watched them could get the story. However, it was a bit unnecessarily extended and the flashbacks could of been shorter. So, after another unnecessary long time of pretty much nothing, there is some flashbacks to the gingerdead man movie. That wasn't too long and was the right amount of length, and I quite enjoyed that moment. A few minutes later, someone finds the Evil Bong, and ten minutes later (I think) The Gingerdead Man comes. I was like, "YES! Finally, they're going to fight!" Myself, I thought they would fight at the end of the movie, but anyway, it had been an hour, and they were talking to each other. But basically, after that, they don't seem to have a fight at all. Two people are trapped in an evil bong, and that's pretty much it. No big fights between The Gingerdead Man and the Evil Bong. I was awfully disappointed because I wanted to see them have a fight, and they didn't really have one apart from having half a minute of an argument. Myself, I liked this movie, but don't go seeing this if you want to see them fight, because they hardly fight at all. Although, do go see this if your a fan of the Evil Bong franchise. My rating is 5.8/10.
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