It had such promise
7 February 2016
You look at the marketing material for "V.I. Warshawski" and see Kathleen Turner wielding a gun and those killer legs, and you're bound to be disappointed by the end result: a mediocre P.I. movie. This reminded me of "One for the Money", a detective movie for women, which doesn't have to be a bad thing, but there's no spark. I think it's mostly that she's stuck taking care of this kid, and it doesn't help that the case isn't interesting. I can't hate this movie, because, even though it takes its dear sweet time getting the ball rolling, Warshawski becomes the administer of ass-beatings instead of the recipient. And it's not bad from then on.

But just know that you're not getting the sex-symbol Kathleen Turner in the actual movie. You're getting the by-the-numbers-single-woman-who-lives-on-junk-food version of a big city sleuth. You would think Lifetime made this.

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