Feels like Rowling twists reality to fit her own ideological views.
17 February 2016
I wouldn't care, except that it makes for a boring predictable story. She is so hell bent to "prove" that people have to use their funds to save others, that it turns me off. Its not that I completely disagree with some of the political points of this "story" . What I do dislike is the idea that we should somehow be saving the Krystals of this world. Krystal's place is not anyone's fault but her mothers, and her own, and not anyone else's. The fact that the council members made mistakes in their lives did not disturb me half as much as the fact that their kids were willing to turn them in, shades of Nazi Germany. The only bad guy in the story seems like the writers, really. Sure, people can improve themselves, but it isn't fair to ask society to bail them out, and that is obviously what the story asks us to do. On top of that whoever wrote the script obviously knows absolutely nothing about Methadone, Heroin, or Opiate addiction in general, and writing about things you know nothing about is tacky. Example; Its perfectly normal and expected for people to relapse. Its generally not seen as a failure until about the fifth time. Most Opiate addicts will relapse four times or so before the treatment takes. The Sheik family really annoys, because it seems like an attempt to make sure that the hero, if there is one wasn't by any chance a white Christian person.
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