What The Heck Is He Up To
10 February 2016
Of course, the series trademarks are tension at most or curiosity at least, along with an ironical and usually surprise ending. In short, for the typical entry, plot is uppermost, though character can also play a big part. My point is that Spoiler Alerts mean a lot for audience enjoyment of the average 60-minute episode. So, why then does the IMDb synopsis not include a Spoiler Alert in summarizing this entry's highpoints. I'm glad I didn't read their summary before watching the entry, because curiosity kept me riveted and would have been ruined had I read the synopsis first. Shame on IMDb.

Anyway, as to the story itself, why in the heck is frustrated artist Bellington baiting the cops with phony shoebox bombs. His behavior is squirrelly enough that you never know when the bomb might be real. Then there's the verbal sparring with the head-doctor who may use educated words but still can't figure the bomb guy out. Thus, it's hard to anticipate where the story is going, which is a good sustaining hook. Besides actor Rhodes makes his loony intellectual Bellington persuasive enough so that anything seems possible. On the downside, some padding is noticeable, particularly with the extended psychiatrist interview; plus, the cat-and-mouse with sexy Neile Adams that may be welcome relief from all the guys, but is hardly necessary to plot development. All in all, the entry's distinctively different and worth tuning in. Just don't read IMDb's killjoy summary first.
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