Scream Queens: Thanksgiving (2015)
Season 1, Episode 10
Munch On This
23 February 2016
Even tho there is some homage being paid to B-Horror past, that doesn't make up for this mess of a show. Maybe if I wasn't such a huge fan of Horror-Comedy or so enthusiastic after the first two episodes I wouldn't be so angry at this show, but I am. It's literally 5:30am & this episode aired around Thanksgiving so that means it's taken me an extra 3 months to get to this point. My gripes remain the same, not enough Horror, way too much Leslie Neilson 2015 if Leslie Neilson was a teenage girl obsessed with overplayed pop albums & sang loudly with her friends every time a Taylor Swift song played on a jukebox at a diner and then they all ask for split checks and no one tips their waiter. See, I can do slapstick too, now slide in an inappropriate sex joke and a severed head, slap Ryan Murphy's name on it and BOOM, you're renewed for S2.

Same day ratings were abysmal for this episode and tanked as the season went on... Yet an alarming amount of people saved it on their DVR. Whatever. My coworker has literally bribed me with $20 to finish just so she can laugh at my saucy reviews... Hi, Amanda! BTW, she says she didn't like the show yet she talks about the show way too much & paying me money to watch it is a dead giveaway she actually does really like this show. So who's watching this damn show and giving it these high ratings on here & IMDb? Not John Waters, and certainly not anyone old or aware enough to know who he actually is... And if that's true, then my Leslie Nielsen joke fell flat too and I'm only in this for the money.

Damn you, Jamie Lee Curtis, Damn you.
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