Pali Road (2015)
Beautiful And Suspenseful
28 February 2016
The "waking up and not remembering your life" meme has been played out in many film and TV shows in the past. However, "Pali Road" takes it to a new level.

Lily (Michelle Chen) wakes up after a car accident and it thrust into a life she has no memory of. The memories that she does have are those of being with her boyfriend, Neil (Jackson Rathbone) and not of her current husband and child.

Her family and friends insist that this current life is the only reality there is. Lily begins to question her sanity and the film takes a darker, more suspenseful turn.

The acting is excellent with Chen and Rathbone delivering moving performances. The cinematography adds so much to the film that it almost feels like an additional character. Scenes go from bright, warm and lush to dark and brooding as the film progresses. Director Jonathan Hua Lang Lim keeps the story moving and delivers some spectacular camera shots.

Ultimately this film is about the power of love to overcome all obstacles. The love that Lily feels is stronger than the "reality" that is telling her something different. Watching this film will make many people question their own reality and the choices and compromises they have made in their lives.

I think really good movies will leave you thinking and questioning and "Pali Road" is no exception. If you get a chance to see this film I highly recommend that you do.
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