Fantasy Island: Ladies Choice/Skin Deep (1984)
Season 7, Episode 13
okay. i watched it twice. still okay.
5 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another episode with two plots about love. But it has Lawrence as Tattoo again so that is nice. I've seen about three now that have him And every time it is episodes about love. They ran out of ideas in 1984 I guess. I would love to see one where one story arc is about something That involves a haunted house with spider webs and cloth over furniture with perhaps a demon (those are the best) and another that has Lawrence doing one of tattoos roles of rowing as fast as he can to get away from Villagers that think he's a love god. Sadly none of this can happen, Rip. Quick disclaimer, its October 5 15 and I had a head on collision Today, slept a lot, tried watching a Monday night football game rooting for the lions who found a amazing way to lose so I am a little brain dead.

so one story arc is about a shy guy coming with his stud friend to attend some Ski model event. apparently it is hot girls on treadmills wearing skis from what I gathered. blah. they get let in with special passes , into a dressing room that seemed awkward. also the room had that guard that looks like a all white Mountie. I love the Fantasy island guard/police. anyhow it was awkward to watch. His buddy is hooking up with models and he doesn't get to hook up with a "10" girl and meets some plain girl. I think he sleeps with her, not sure but they seem to be in sleeping clothes and he tells her he could eat a hub cap after "That" and that would be great. anyhow predictably he ends up with her cause she doesn't know better ,the leave on the plane and are stuck with each other for evermore.

the other arc was some young lady who came back to see the wine farm she lived at as a teen but the guy who owns it is a jerk. She gets a coin from Rourke to throw in a well that gives her a wish and her secret love, guess what its Rourke. but he ruins her fantasy and spurns her (I looked it up , he was married for like 60 years) and she gets upset and takes the wine farm guy. He tells her stuff but he mumbles and I found him impossible to understand. but he hates Rourke. I re winded a few times and could not understand him. all crap happens , she likes him, she sees him beat his other chic, Rourke steps in, does this Spock like death grip , throws him into a lamp and then seems to like crush his hand I had no idea what was going on that whole part of the story and would like to blame it on the 8 beers, car wreck , etc but it was just really dumb.

That said, I got a nice 15 second video of the one plain chic telling the guy off and then Lawrence showing up eating a hot dog and mocking him. then the guy was like "I'm asking for a refund" and Lawrence makes his awesome standard eye bug out and mouths "refund". hilarious but why would a refund affect him. if it did I would be very concerned.
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